Xudong Ma



Email: Macaronlin@buaa.edu.cn / Macaronlin@gmail.com

Google Scholar / Github


I'm interested in the direction of model quantization, and I believe that model quantization is one of the current trends in AI.

Selected Publications

You can find the full list on Google Scholar.


BiFSMN: Binary Neural Network for Keyword Spotting [PDF]
Haotong Qin, Xudong Ma, Yifu Ding, Xiaoyang Li, Yang Zhang, Yao Tian, Zejun Ma, Jie Luo, Xianglong Liu
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022
arXiv / News: (机器之心, PaperWeekly)

In this paper, we present BiFSMN, an accurate and extreme-efficient binary network for KWS, outperforming existing methods on various KWS datasets and achieving impressive 22.3x speedup and 15.5x storage-saving on edge hardware.